
When are things going to boil over and the S hit the fan in Denver?

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When are things going to boil over and the S hit the fan in Denver?




  1. You mean when will the futile temper tantrum begin?

    Lefties are so inept when it comes to causing some real upheaval.

    "Hey everybody lets throw stuff and yell at the cops then b*tch when we get what we are asking for."

    No wonder they never get the support they seek...they have the spines of anemic, spoiled, four year olds.

  2. I don't know when, but it's probably going to happen soon.  I may not agree with their politics, but I just hope nobody gets hurt.

  3. it already is b/n obama and clinton.

  4. Right about the time the liberal Giuliani and the liberal Romney start speaking publicly.

  5. I think on Wednesday night when Bill talks.

  6. Right after Senator Ted has a few drinks!

  7. February 19th 2150 will be a black day unfortunately

  8. Could be sooner than we think with all the "so called detention centers" going up..........barbed wired pens hidden within buildings so people won't really know what is going down.  Is that my America??  It sure as h**l is NOT.

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