
When are volleyball tryouts?

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like for high school?




  1. it all depends on the highschool.

    for mine, for jv and varsity, we had tryouts the last month of school. for the freshmen team, we have tryouts in august =]

    you should ask the kids that you know that are already on a team for volleyball cause im pretty sure they all have summer league

  2. it depends on your school.

    Usually they are sometime from the end of july to mid august.

    I would say call your school or the head coach to find out.

  3. It really depends on which high school you are going to. Some are earlier and some are later. Usually they are around July-August. Mine are from July 29-Aug 1. If your school has a website you can check that. Or you can call your high school and ask when tryouts are.

  4. usually on the first day of school for me, or on the first week

  5. Well every school is different but like mine are in August most schools are.... mine are like the week after school starts..

  6. They are usually between late July and early August every year. Ours starts August 1st. But you still have about 3-4 more weeks until tryouts so practice practice practice everyday and you will deff make the team! Good Luck :)

  7. but they're usually around this time during summer, july-august ish.

  8. it depends on your high school

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