
When are we going to get a In and Out burger????

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In Texas

i love them




  1. I'd have to drive to California to get one. I still remember my

    one and only eating experience at one near Oxnard, Calif.

    And there were so many cars lined up to eat there. We had

    the standard cheeseburger, and fries and cokes. It was great.

    They burgers had the old fashioned flavor I enjoy and rarely

    find where I live. How I wish we could have one here. Maybe

    one day!

  2. I live in atlanta and we don't have one of those here. I missed my chance to eat at one in Cali last year and I'm still kicking myself for it.

  3. i dont know! let me finish my Burger first......

  4. They can keep it....we don't need that sloppy mess of a thousand island burger here in Chicago. I had the misfortune of having one last year and it was the most overrated was just a regular, NON seasoned burger, drowned in thousand island and wrapped in paper.....ohhh and my son also had a case of the "uknows" directly after eating that slop.....

  5. Haha. Never! It will remain a west coast treat.

  6. Never because the butt heads wont venture away from the west coast! And it's not fair! I live in Michigan, so the only time I get it is when I visit my friends in Vegas... I want a Double Double Animal Style now!

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