
When are we going to get some news on the 10-day visit to Gaza from the "Free Gaza" activists.?

by Guest58385  |  earlier

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They just returned safely to Cyprus in their two wooden boats after Israel allowed them to pass through the blockade.

I think this voyage and visit is very significant, but I am not seeing much coverage. Is it just me?




  1. They have all probably all been brain washed by the Israelis.  

  2. No, Janet it's not just you. I'm in Canada and the only thing that's been on the news today is Gustav. Why we need 24 hour coverage of a category 2 hurricane I can't imagine. I do find it peculiar that pretty much the entire coastline of LA was evacuated this time around, but no one could be bothered to do the same during Katrina....maybe it's just an ounce of prevention though. Anyhow, to watch the news these days you'd think that the only two things going on in the world these days are Gustav and your national election. Frankly, it's getting old. As far as when news from outside North America will be aired again, I'm guessing sometime after November.  

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