
When are we going to see a real victory for the "Americans"?

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Since the US Gov. is no longer the Government of people by the people and for the people, and it has it's own agenda, what will be the future of the Americans ?




  1. As soon as the citizens actually wake up and see it is the political parties who have failed this country, and changed our country's direction towards socialism.  Until we as voters refuse to "have to vote between the two evils" that are running, and finally get the courage, YES COURAGE, to actually vote for a candidate (no matter what party) that WILL DO FOR THIS COUNTRY AND ITS CITIZENS, I do not believe we will be seeing a "victory for America OR Americans"

  2. When we kick Republicans out of power.  We're almost there.  I can feel it!

  3. Learn to speak Chineese.  We never should have let Nixon go to China!

  4. When we get a Democrat in office!!!

    Opposite of what we've been currently having for the last 8 years!!

  5. Come the revolution, bro.

  6. when the people find a way to take the gvt back for themselves.  

  7. unless we get both parties under controll with spending we will lose!

  8. One step at a time.  As 26 GOPers are leaving the House of Representatives this election, it shows there can be change.  I don't consider the Democrats worth much, but if you can get a bunch of them to leave, then the new blood might start the ball rolling to a better tomorrow.  Remember, life without hope isn't worth living.

  9. Unfortunately, I think Michael Phelps was our last victory.

  10. I am hoping for an open season on leftists. 2 bag limit, 10 in possession.

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