
When are we going to start fighting oil companies over the price of gas a gallon?

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When are we going to start fighting oil companies over the price of gas a gallon?




  1. When we vote the right people in the many different government offices. have a nice day.

  2. No fighting needed.

    Just buy half of the gas you normally buy. If lots of people buy less the price will come down.

  3. We are not fighting oil companys.   We are fighting liberal  eco-n***s who won't let us drill for our own oil reserves and build new refineries...  

    AND  The same people raise the TAX on a gallon of gas every day....

    AND   The same people who are complaining elected a whole CONGRESS last year who are WORSE than the ones before.

    That is what we are fighting.    Ignorance mostly.

  4. When we quit using so much gasoline , they will drop the price.....

  5. When are we going to fight the plastic and oil-product companies over their prices?

    Oil hasn't gone up in price much at all - it has mostly gone DOWN (since inflation happens all the time).

    BUT, plastic products have gone up. These are made from oil.


    If you want to point fingers, don't point them at the oil producers, oil exporters, or anybody that has anything to do with crude. Point your fingers at local companies that use oil to make other stuff.

  6. As soon as you tell Best Buy what you want to pay for a Blackberry.

  7. Go to your senator about it....oh wait....he runs the oil company doesn't he. Oh well I guess your screwed.

  8. when we're not dependant upon them...right now we're in that "beggars can't be choosers" mode.

  9. When the fossil fuels are expended..

  10. Will will boycott all Chevron fuel stations for 30 days, starting May 1st, we will not buy fuel or any prodoucts from them during this time.... Please foward this to your family and friends in California....

  11. when everyone decides to join together,we all talk about it but it takes every one of us to make a change in it until that day comes it will continue to do as it is,and there will never be a day when everyone of us will agree on the same thing,the price of a barrel of oil hit over 100 bucks a barrel not too many days ago,that's way too much,we all need to join together and that will never happen,good luck.

  12. We should be fighting the automobile companies to come out with affordable electric cars. Oil is old school stuff!!

  13. The only way to fight back is to start using less. But I don't forsee that happening.

  14. Start riding your bike and walking as much as you can. I ride my bike daily and walk a lot and I'm getting pretty old. The less gas we use the more the oil companies lose.

  15. The sad thing is so many people are so heavily dependent on their vehicles to get around that we can't boycott, leaving our cars at home and refusing to buy gas by walking and biking to work, school, and anywhere else we want/need to go.  If we could boycott and refuse the purchase of fuel, then companies would have no choice but to lower their costs to entice people back or go out of business.

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