
When are you being selfish?

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When exactly are you being selfish? When do you cross the line between being selfish and pursuing what you want? Is it the same thing? People have to be a little selfish, right? If they didn't they'd like starve from giving away all their food or something...What are your thoughts?




  1. People have to live for themselves, and make themselves happy. It's also important to find that balance where you put your life aside when you need to, to take care of personal matters with family- because family is incredibly important.  

  2. Everyone is selfish, little or big its still being selfish.

    I think being selfish is when you think for only yourself,and to pursue your dreams, u gotta be a little selfish.

    And yes people do need to be a little selfish or else they would eventually die.

  3. dear abby L ,

    what a good question .

    i don`t  think you are being selfish as long as you don`t upset your family and friends whilst seeking out your needs .

    outside of this , any successfull person or company has had to tread on someone`s toes to get where they are ,and some of them still don`t know when to stop , for example , why do multi-million pound companies still have to advertise for business ,to me this is pure greed when there are families trying to make ends meet on a few pounds / dollars through no fault of their own..

    still , at least we have our pride , eh.

    good luck in all you do .

    regards  .tony.d

  4. this is just my opinion, but I think selfish is putting yourself before and above others. I try to do little things to help others without expecting praise or thank yous. Hey. Nobody else does it and who knows? Maybe it will catch on? After all, it doesn,t cost anything to help someone and many times I sure would have been happy to have gotten help when I needed it. I think that maybe a little good covers a lot of bad. This is just my thoughts.

  5. Selfishness is the definition of self-interest, self concern, and/or placing one's own desires/needs over others'.  Selfishness is a good thing; it defines us as humans and is needed for survival.

    Some are said to be more or less selfish than others, but I personally believe that those who "do good" want to do good.  Doesn't this mean that they're also fulfilling their own desires/needs?  Nonetheless, everyone is going to do what they think is right.  If your motives are pure, there is no need to question them because of their decidedly "selfish" nature.

    However, I do believe that there's a line that my personal morals wouldn't cross -- the act of causing pain (emotionally, mentally, physically) to another in order to fulfill a selfish desire.  It's also human nature to consider your surroundings when making a decision--after all, your surroundings have essentially helped to make you who you are.  It's my advice to always take this into consideration. :)

    I hope this wasn't too confusing, I tend to ramble. :P  I wish you the best!

  6. I think that you're being selfish when you pursue something for yourself that will cause you to hinder someone else from something,  prevent them from benefiting in some way, or affect them negatively in any other way.

  7. I have to be selfish.  Constantly I am expected to make a big deal out of every little thing any one does it is draining. It's always well you know so and sos birthday is coming up or someone you barely know had a baby.  Why don't the people telling me make a big deal out of them if they care so much?  Because they are to lazy and expect me to be the one who does all the work..I started saying no you handle it then. I was not born to indulge everyones else's accomplishments and be a factory of gift giving. Right now I could listen to someone complain but no I want to do something I like which is waste time on the computer.  

  8. When someone tries to steal my food

  9. i think that when ypu push to get somthing that you want that isnt very important and is going to hurt other people in the process is being selfish. But if you are pushing for somthing that is needed for your health or education or somthing then i think it is not being selfish. i suppose it all really depends on the circumstances.

  10. we are always selfish, but just to different degrees. when we help someone even though we dont want to, we do so because we want to see them happy. this makes us happy, but what if it didnt? would we still do it? the motive for our behavior is to always do what we want and when we help someone in need sometimes its because their unhappiness is unsettling. we try to control the world around us, but this doesnt mean we are selfless.  

  11. Being selfish is being selfish. There"s no other word for it. It means you"re only thinking of you with no strings  attached.You is or you"re not, that"the bottom.

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