
When are you considered an intermediate dancer??

by  |  earlier

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Ive been out of dance class for 4 years and im going back, befor then ive been dancing for 9 years. Anyway, i am going back this year and i still know alot of things i learned before and i was wondering what do i have to know to start from intermediate classes. I know how to do my right, left, and center split. I know the five basic positions, high right, left, and center leaps and single and double piroutte. What else must i have down to start from intermediate classes. Also what must i know to get into pointe. I know ur teacher has to recommend you but what should i know to be recommended. Thanks




  1. if you have movement and the general concept, you should be fine. you most likely just have to brush up on technique, which isn't that hard. being flexible is a key ingredient to success.. and you obviously are. so good luckkk

  2. If you're talking about ballet, then starting pointe on center floor is considered moving up to the intermediate level. (If you're not ready to leave the barre on pointe, then you're still a beginner.) This is the stage you need to be to audition for ballet summer intensives that are geared for intermediate and advanced-level ballet students.

    An intermediate dancer in any style knows more than a collection of individual steps. They have enough of the basics down in order to be able to pick up short combinations of steps after one or two demonstrations. Advanced dancers can pick up combinations with  next to no demonstrations except for invented steps and can start doing most movements based just on spoken directions.

  3. Experience. Experience is a big factor. Are you included in a dance group? Have you already won in a dance competition? Do you have experience dancing in an event? and also are you still flexible as before? If you are, then I'm sure your teacher will recommend you.

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