
When are you due? What are you having? Is it your first? What names are thinking about? Are You Scared?

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I am due September 28, 2008, i am full term 9/11/08! I have dropped and have very bad back pain. I am having a girl, her name is Kaylee Jade, and this is my first.... I am just ready to be a mom, only a little scared!!

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  1. I am Due October 28th. 2008 I am having a boy, and I think he may have dropped but not sure..  This is my first child, and we are naming him Elliet (not sure how to spell it yet). I am a lil scared if it has dropped allready bec I still tecknally have 2 months to go till he is supposta be born.. But if he is not dropped yet i am not scared just yet.

  2. I am due March 5th, 2009 and I always wait til I deliver to find out what I have.  This is my 5th baby and I have 4 sons right now so we would love to end it with a little girl.  :-)  Our names are Dominick Thomas for a boy and Isabella Rose for a girl.  And no I'm not scared cause this is my 5th time.  :-)

    By the way, I think Kaylee Jade is a very pretty name.  Congrats and best of luck to you.

  3. am due september 21 and this is my first and her name is lilian clare mensah i know shecan come any day now i just can't wait  

  4. I am due December 15th.

    I am having 2 boys and 1 girl.

    No, we have 3 daughters already.

    Baby A's name is Theodore "Theo" Joseph. Baby B's name is Nicholas "Cole" Jacob. Baby C's name is Tessa Madelaine.

    I'm very scared! There haven't been any serious complications, but having triplets is very risky! I just want the babies to be safe!  

  5. I'm due the day before Thanksgiving, I'm having a girl who's name will be Lilian Renee (we'll call her Lily), this is my first, and I'm a mixture of ecstatic and terrified! You're so lucky you're almost done, I'm so uncomfortable right now and I still have 3 months left!  

  6. Hi.... Congratulations..

    I'm due Sept. 1st

    This is my 4th and last child (LOL)

    I'm having a boy

    His name is going to be Jordan Jameer

    I'm so over this pregnancy and can't wait til it's over, any day is what they keep telling me.. It's frustrating because i don't know when.

    Anyway, congrats to everyone, healthy pregnancies and healthy babies.

  7. I'm due March 4th. Not sure what I'm having, thinking it's a girl though I just have a feeling. And I'm scared to death but so, so, so excited!

  8. Im due Sept 20 with my first boy Giovanni LaSean and I cant wait 3 1/2 more weeks to go or sooner hopefully lol Good luck to you

  9. i am due on september 19th being induced on either the 9th or the 16th depending on baby ( for medical reasons)

    We are having a girl, her name is Rylee Ann and this is also my first. i am scared about getting induced because i have heard horror stories about it but i am very excited to meet my little girl

  10. I'm due october 17, but they are hoping i make it to september 19th...Little one is too excited to come out! We are having a little girl. She will be our first and we are naming her Emma Renee! Now we just have to keep her in there. Already started to dilate and am on terbutaline for preterm labor! So that scares me a bit, but feel pretty good about the labor part of things....dont konw why. lol

  11. i am due dec. 10th, so i am 25 weeks today. this is my second child, so im not really as scared but i am a little nervous! lol. i am having a boy this time, and we are thrilled because we already have a little girl!


  12. Im due September 15th, 2008 I am now considered full term, i am dilated to a 2 and 75% effaced.

    Im having a boy!

    He is my first.

    Were naming him Gavin.

    Im scared for the pain, but so completely ready.

  13. I am due 20th November and i'm having twin girls! This is my second pregnancy, I've already got a 7 year old son. We are thinking about the names Rylee Taylor and Ruby Elizabeth. I'm a little nervous, not really about the birth, more about the fact that there is 2 of them!!

    Congrats and good luck!

  14. Congradulations!!! I wish i knew what mine was!!

    I am due March 14, 2009, I like Kadence Elizabeth or Isaac James. This is going to be my first too. I can't wait to be a mom, it's so exciting!!!

  15. I'm due October 15th with our second little boy. We are going to name him Lucas Ray, and I'm really not scared at all! I was with my first, but I quickly learned that birth is the most wonderful thing I will ever do, and I'm very much looking forward to it this time. I also learned that babies are a lot of work, but its never anything you can't handle! Good luck and Congrats! It could be any day now!

  16. 12/24/2008 I am Having a girl. me and my husband started calling her Halel (pronounced haw lel) itsits hebrew for gloria and we called her that for fun and now that im picking names its like I have to name her that even though i know its a weird name, I dont know why but its kinda funny. Im scared to be a mom im not ready yet but i know with God on my side i can do it. Also scared about the day shes ready to meet me :D  

  17. i am due january 4th, 09 and i am having a boy. more than likely his name is going to be julian manuel as we are portuguese.  i am ready to be a mom, but i am soo scared of labor. lol. good luck..

  18. I am due sept. 25 but i am sched. for a c/section on sept 18. i am a little scared, but not really because this is my 2nd child and i also had a c/section with my first born. i'm scared, but i'm soo soo excited about my new son being born that that takes away the fear. i am sooo happy. congrats girl, we made it to the big 9 months. =)

    Oh, and his name is going to be kyler. haven't really decided on the middle name. and oh man, do my feet hurt so so so bad...  

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