
When are you going to be chosing your next pesident US, im tired of all the candidate stuff over the news ?

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in the uk.





  1. November 4th. If you think YOU'RE tired, you ought to be over here!! We call it "Election Fatigue." Although I must say, with Palin's nomination, things have gotten a wee bit more interesting... at least for now.

  2. The elections take place in November...

    You should hope the democrats win, because otherwise McCain's admministration, in their effort to bully Russia, will involve your country in a cold war. Your economy isn't doing very well right now and there's talk that you guys may be headed for a have Bush's actions to blame for that..If McCain wins, you guys will go into a recession, just as we will.  

  3. november 4th

  4. When the Oval Office is ready

  5. Lol in 2 months.

  6. It is going to be in November when they finally choose who is actually going to be the president, so just wait till then and then it will be over. Also McCain is gong to be talking next week in the Democratic thing.  

  7. November 4th is the election.  

    Trust me, we're all fed up too.  I think if we could move the election to the week after the RNC we would.  

  8. In november 4 Obama will win.  

  9. When is the UK going to find Madelaine?  We are tired of hearing of that story.  

  10. We vote in November  Sorry!!

  11. It will be November. I kind of get tired of it too, especially when I already know who I will vote for. Do like I do when I don't want to hear some thing, I just don't listen to it! Lol.

  12. nov.4

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