
When are you most fertile?

by Guest34266  |  earlier

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when can you get prego the fastes right before your periord, during your period or right after your period?




  1. idk

  2. Start charting your period. You ovulate 14 days before the first day of your period. So, if you find out that you're on a 28 day cycle, then count 14 days after the first day of your last period, and that will be your best chance.

  3. Right after your period is when you are most fertile.

  4. What I learned in school was 10 to 14 days after your last period.  I've never tried, though.

  5. this is weird cause i was just researching this for myself....but as far as i got was that its best for couples to plan s*x around days 11-14 of the menstration cycle. But here's the sight if you'd like to see yourself...

  6. Tuesday @ 3:28 AM.

  7. i think it is right after

  8. it dependson ur cycle but about 14 days after ur period

  9. During ovulation so pretty much 13 to 15 days in your menstrual cycle

  10. there are 2 days in thw whole month that you ovulate, witch for some girls ¸is  their ONLY chance at pregnancy. you can tell by getting a ovulation testing kit from first response at your local drug store. it comes with a whole bunch of sticks that you pee on everyday and it will tell you if your ovulating or not.  

  11. Doesn't make sense to be fertile during your period, only right after are you most fertile.

  12. about 7pm every evening

  13. when your ovulating  

  14. Go to and put in your period info and it will calculate when you will be fertile and ovulating plus it keeps tracks of your periods. It will even email you ahead of time to alert you of your upcoming fertile/ovulation and period dates. It is a free and very helpful website.

  15. If have your period every 28 days cut it in half,so tha days 14 and 15 of the month you are more likely to became pregnant.To be sure you can buy in the pharmacy the ovulation Tests Trucker. It will tell you when you are ovulating.

  16. Usually when you don't want to be. lol About 10 days from your last period.

  17. Your cycle should last for 28 days.  You are most fertile around the middle of the cycle.  So most likely around the 14th day after you last period ended.  

  18. Whenever you ovulate, which is normally in the middle of 2 periods.

  19. when you are ovulating.

  20. buy a ovulation kit they are like any were from $20 to $ 50 it helps am using them now  for 2 months

  21. 14 days

  22. It varies from woman to woman but you will always be most fertile when you are ovulating. Typical ovulation occurs about 2 weeks after menstruating. To identify when you are ovulating here are some signs to look for: 1) slight increase in body temperature 2) consistency (thickness) and opacity (whiteness) of discharge should increase 3) a few days after discharge thickens it will begin to thin and become much more transparent. This is when you will be most fertile.

    Your own ovulation time may vary from month to month as a period often does to some people. Paying attention to these details and marking the calendar can help you figure out when you will be most fertile.

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