
When are you old enough to stop getting treated wrong?

by  |  earlier

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i'm 24 i thought i was wise enough to know when a guy wasn't treating me right and to try and avoid getting hurt and being naive. is it just the wrong guys im getting involved with?or are some girls just always attracted to arseholes even if they dont realise at first?




  1. Never ... I'm 37 and the same thing just happened to me.  I don't know what it is ... I started liking him because he was incredibly kind.  But then he turned into an ******** and I still liked him.  Maybe people like you and I have an ******** radar and we unconsciously go right for them, LOL.


    I don't know why it starred out the word I used.  I used the same word that you did ... arseh0le

  2. Its important to asses the type of guy your going out with before it turns into a serious relationship... Are you always the one to pay? does he consider your feelings? does he talk down to you? does he open doors? does he respect your privacy? is he a good provider? A wise woman once said.... write down the 10 things you hate most about the eprson your with.... can you live the rest of your life with those flaws? hope this helps

  3. You should never stay in a relationship where you are treated badly. It sounds like you are getting in a relationship with guys before really getting to know them. Next time, take your time.

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