
When are you selling your 4 wheel drive [SUV to Americans]??

by  |  earlier

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You'd better sell it now before it loses its value! When everyone decides to get rid of these environmentally unsustainable monstrosities, the bottom will fall out of the market and you won't be ABLE to sell....




  1. The people that have suv's love them, and if they keep them they will never lose any money on them.

  2. my suv will hold it's value better than your little puddle jumping enviro friendly hunk of garbage.

  3. when im being held at gunpoint, i luv my baby! lol

    and its almost paid off yay

  4. Or, they'll become a status symbol because only those with gobs of money to waste will drive them.

    Incidentally, mine is a hybrid.

  5. If you are right, then I should be able to buy several more at very good prices!

    I love my Jeep and never plan to see it.  It's what I use for off roadin' in the National Forests

  6. When I'm d@mn good and ready, that's when.

  7. I drive a jeep 4x4 hoosiered up, big wheels, lift kit, It's truly obnoxious. But I love it. Only gets maybe 12-15mpg. I won't give it up. I love to bike ride so I live around 15 miles away from work. I can just ride to work. I'm definitely not against hybrid even thought about turning my jeep into a bio-diesel but have to educate myself further on that before I make a decision. I also thought about buying a hybrid in addition to my jeep. which my next car probably will be; more because I don't like where my money (IE; the oil companies and nations that hate us is going) when I stick it in my gas tank. Not that money and ecology aren't important it's just not the main reason. I'm also not worried about not being able to sell my 2006 Jeep. It is completely paid for along with everything else I own except for my house. I don't believe in debt. I don't have a huge income but do okay for myself. That's right I'm cash and carry even with cars, how old school is that! By the way I also give up a lot not to be in debt but in-fact the only way it effects my happiness and quality of life is in a positive way.

  8. SUV are so much safer than Hybirds cars. selling your life to save money

  9. Heheheh...I have an '01 Ford Focus hatchback with a 5-speed.  35 mpg on the expressway, seats 5 with plenty of head room, great in snow (I'm usually passing the SUVs when the snow's deep) and it can hold everything I need it to.

  10. I sold our '95 Toyota 4Runner 4 years ago! I saw the looming oil crisis , and did what I could to get ready.  I bought an '85 Honda Prelude,and put in a new engine.  Now I have a fast car,that looks good,and gets 35-38 mpg!  That 4Runner only got 17!  I knew that rising gas prices would make gas guzzlers obsolete,and impossible to sell. I saw that happen right after the oil embargo of the '70's.  We got a good price for our 4Runner. I feel sorry for who ever is driving it now!

  11. People will get rid of them when they HAVE to, because the average suv driver doesn't know what global warming is and they don't think about gas.  They will drive 10 miles out of their way (20 round trip wasting 3 gallons of gas and $10) to buy at walmart who is $0.50 cheaper.  They just don't get it.

  12. I can't wait!!! I need to replace my Chevy Tahoe... in fact That Suburban I looked at is getting right down the right price!!!

  13. Not going to happen, and if they lose value, I'll probably buy up several more.  They're just great for carrying all of my gear when I go hunting and camping, and they can't be beat for driving in the snow and ice.  I never really sell cars anyway, I drive them till they drop then give them away to charity.

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