
When arrested for shoplifting, when does notice for court date come in mail and what does it say?

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When arrested for shoplifting, when does notice for court date come in mail and what does it say?




  1. When I release someone from jail with a future court date I tell them to expect a court date in the mail within 7-10 days, if they don't get it in that time period then they should call the court system just in case.

  2. There are two types of notification you can receive.  They are judicial notice and a summons.

    A judicial notice is when you are in Court and the judge orders you to appear at a certain time and place on a certain date.

    A summons is a paper directing you to appear in Court on a certain date at a certain time.  The summons is often part of a citation and may be included in the original ticket for shoplifting, other times they are delivered by a process server.

  3. I take it your trying to hide this from your parents? Am I right? lol. The outside of the envelope will just say it's for court, could be a traffice ticket for all anyone else knows. Inside it will say what the court date is for. This info is also public record so your name was probably published in the local paper if your folks read that.

  4. untill you dont give them your gand they wont leave you

  5. that depends on the jurisdiction your in,   on how they notify you of things, and how they are marked, so that is impossible to say,   without knowing for sure what jurisdiction  your in,

    good luck ,  

    hope the lesson is learned..

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