
When as you see it would it be necessary to overthrow an existing government??

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When as you see it would it be necessary to overthrow an existing government??




  1. Lets face it,...our government sucks!!!! maybe just like a candle it will burn itself out.

  2. well now... lol... ok so maybe not now... but if things dont change then that will be the direction were going in! and it will be sooner then later!

  3. Article One of the U.S. Constitution states that all of the members of the House of Representatives will serve a term of two years. Then they have to be re-elected. So, every two years we the voters have the opportunity to "overthrow" the government by voting out all of those members and electing new ones. But, we don't do that. Instead, over 90% of those members are re-elected. Meanwhile, we gripe about the government and do nothing.

  4. The way this question can have an answer to is this.

    Citizens have throughout history  had only themselves and no UN  but only themselves to stop misuse of power.  The way they had done things  before were through Revolutions which were something else entirely . There is now something called The Violent Radicalization Act which could be opposed through a UN Security Resolution if it  the country spoken of has wars of agression against other countries and uses The Radicalization Act to supress dissent against wars and further attacks citizes to such an extent The UN has to intervene. The UN could already authorize citizens to join in an effort to reign in the country.

  5. When we begin to have our Government totally rule our lives..........that would NOT be the democratic way.

  6. "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

    That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness


    We have already lost the right to life (abortion), and to liberty (income tax, social programs, massive regulation). Sounds like now is a good time.

  7. when 54% of my tax dollars go into "national defense"(iraq ,blackwater,weapons that dont work and are never completed,and selling arms to other countries)

    when a president suspends my right to a fair trial


    make no mistakes ANYONE can be detianed .how can u prove you are not a terroist with out a lawer .with out a trial .

    when a president comits war crimes and spys on citezins  and pardons himself (

    for those who want to point to a right to life how do you feel about ,the sterolizing of thousands of poor people ,mentaly retarded,.and native americans across the country

    heres the link to the book this a former us senater you can read the book in its entirety

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