
When ask, 7in 10 non smokers wish that the no smoking ban had never come into force. Do you agree?

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Source..............The Launcet.




  1. For a start, the smoking bann is closing many pubs.  Secondly the non-smokers are left on their own while the smokers have to go outside for a cigarette.  Thirdly, too many people stopping smoking could lead to a rise in tax which would hit everyone`s pockets.

  2. are your sure its 7 in 10 non-smokers?

  3. No.

    I'm a non smoker who enjoys being able to go to a restaurant and not be forced to use her inhaler to ward of asthma attacks caused by cigarette smoke

  4. Fleshfla and Clive have summed up the matter very well. It seems perfectly acceptable for local landlords to make a decision, but I find the increasing amount of control from on hign becoming irritating and sinister. All this concern seems to strange when the vehicle pollution does not seem to concern the anti-smoking fanatics.

  5. Where do find all those 7in non smokers? What has stunted their growth if they are non smokers?

  6. No I do not believe this, I am so glad it came into force, and any non-smokers that I know say the same !!!!!!!!!

  7. No I dont think that is an accurate poll, most non-smokers I know are very happy with the ban.

    I smoke and I agree with the ban and I would hazard a guess that a majority of us smokers do support the ban.

  8. You should stop reading things that you don't understand.

  9. Hate it. Sure there's some places you shouldn't be allowed to smoke, resteraunts, cinema's, maternity wards, but to force it on pub landlords, many of whom smoke themselves is just far to much control freakery from Labour. Besides, all my mates are smokers so if I want to actually talk to anyone in a pub I have to sit outside with them anyway, so I'm still breathing in smoke and on top of that I'm cold!

  10. Go tell a serviceman who put his life on the line so whiners can sit home and think of ways to take away pleasure, that he or she cannot smoke.

  11. well ive smoked most of my life and i no it was a bit of a pain at first but really its no great hardship

  12. I am a smoker and I am grateful. The ban has helped me to cut down.

  13. Yes I do agree.  I think the smoking ban has caused considerable financial difficulties for many businesses.  

    One such business I know of is a French restaurant in Covent Garden who has now had to open on a Sunday for the first time since it opened in 1941.  All because of the smoking ban.

    What's wrong with smoking areas?  It could quite easily have been arranged. Some public houses who have beer gardens have been able to keep business ticking over due to the fact that customers are allowed to smoke outside.

    I am a regular at four different pubs near where I live and without fear or favour, I can confirm that all of them have suffered as a direct result of the smoking ban.  Customer volumns are down by up to 50% sometimes, especially in the winter months.

    The problem with a smoking ban impossed upon the drinking classes, is that smoking amongst this group of folk is much higher, over 50%, than is the case in the general population where smoking is thought to be about 25% to 30%.

    So, banning smoking in pubs has caused 50% (on average) of regular pub-goers either to smoke outside, and freeze half to death in the Winter, or else go to their local offie (the Off License) and carry booze home for home consumption.  This may line the pockets of the Booze Barons, but it does nothing for the pub business.

    You'd have thought that Labour MPs of all folk would understand the working man's need and desire for a pint and a smoke.  Obviously the MPs now sitting on the Labour benches in the House of Commons have never met a common man or woman in their entire lives.

    I'll pull up here. . . .enough said etc.

    P.S.  I actually gave up smoking in c-July 2007 - but I still think people should be able to smoke in smoking zones or areas in pubs and restaurants etc.

  14. Well at least when you could smoke in pubs, there was an area for it. Now everyone has to stand outside breathing their smoke onto passers by. I think the smoking ban is to strict but agree you shouldn't be able to smoke in restaurants but in pubs there should be a smokers area away from the bar where you can smoke.

  15. I wouldn't be too sure about those figures, they don't sound right.

  16. A smoking ban in public places isn't such a bad idea.

    But what is absolutely ridiculous is the total ban in pubs and clubs. Surely it should be down yo the discretion of the Landlord/lady if there was to be a total ban in their boozer?

    I'll bet, that if two pubs were operating side by side, one a smoking venue, the other non-smoking, the former would be many more times busy than the latter....and it has been pointed out already that local pubs are closing down left, right and centre....Only the dirty great big soulless corporate "chain" pubs can afford to run, and even they are reporting huge losses since this ridiculous ban. The local pub was once the refuge of the common, working man, and I would wager that quite a large percentage of them smoke. There are many occasions at some of the pubs I go to, that ALL the patrons, including the staff, smoke, and we all have to pile outside in the pissing rain and howling wind, because of some idiotic law. Labour used to be the party the working man would vote for, hence the name "Labour"... I wonder how many of us will forgive our current government for this, as well as countless other travesties to our once great country... the commie b@stards.

    Look at all these sanctimonious "reformed smoker" tw@s.

    I'd give up, if I didn't think I'd be one of them.

    Eat this star. EAT IT!

  17. One of the only things that labour got right. I can eat out, drink out, go to cinemas and all manner of places and not have my enjoyment spoilt by the assault of cigarette smoke on my body. We can only be more healthy for it.

  18. No I don't agree.  I love being able to go to the pub quiz and not suffer the smoke.

  19. No.

    I am glad that I can walk into a restaurant etc. and not be assaulted by cigarette smoke.

  20. its a good thing

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