
When astral projecting/OBE can you posses someone else who is out of there body?

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I want to try that.

If i can even leave my body first.




  1. I don't believe anyone could do what you describe [the possessing thing during OBE].

  2. It can happen, ive been having OBE,s for years, but never under my control.. and ive also had the experience of meeting up with another person, which he took me to different places, on a few occasions... but i can never have them on command...there are ways to learn, groups you can join through in a lucid dream group, where most of the people experiment, becoming lucid in their dreams, which i find they are pretty much the same thing... I find the best time, to have these experiences is when you have a nap, during the day, more so when you go to bed at must have alot of patience....if you cruise through yahoo groups you are sure to find one that meets your needs....And i have to say, it is an awesome experience... My first experience i had involving another person, i remember being asleep, when suddenly a hand came down and reached out to me, it grabbed me right out, and off we went...I still dont understand why he took me where he took me, but it was an experience, a great one.....

  3. I highly doubt you could possess someones body in OBE.

    I think what the other person meant about paralyzed is that OBE is linked to various sleep stages. One of the things that happens when you sleep is your body becomes paralyzed, this prevents us from acting out our dreams. This is also the state where people believe thier spirit is seperating from thier body. I have never heard of someone becoming permanently paralyzed by experiementing with OBE, and I dont think it would ever happen. However, I am no authority, what do I know? I dont even believe the spirit can leave the body at will.

  4. There has been zero evidence of any kind (other than anecdotal) to suggest there is a conscious, non-physical component that can leave and operate independently outside of the human body.

    There are some people who would like this to be a reality.  Adding their wishful thinking to their subjective experience doesn't make OBEs or astral projection in any way a reality.

  5. you cannot, and  dude dont be paralysed trying astral projection

  6. I have been astral projecting for years.  I have spoken to two of my dead relatives but never tried to do that.

    I have heard it done before or something similar to that  ( read link )

    although I don't know if I believe it or not.

    I tend to try to experience things myself before I just jump to believe anything. but who knows....

  7. OBE's are real and experienced by many people around the World. Granted, those who have not experienced them will say it is impossible.

    It is possible to have OBEs and meet people who are in this state as well as those who are awake. As far as going into someone else's body, not a good idea. It's basically a taboo thing to even try for those who are veteran OBE experiencers. It's also been attempted by a few who say it is nearly impossible (sort of like sticking a key into the wrong door, you just can't get in) as well as dangerous in the possibility of becoming displaced from your own body permanently. You would most likely be found dead of "natural causes". Granted, that's merely theoretical, but why try to occupy someone else's body in the first place? What would happen to you if someone borrowed your body and you couldn't get back into your own?

  8. Please don't try to possess someone's body...very evil.

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