
When at the fair in our county,why do we not have to urnate as we are sweating alot.makes me dizzy.?

by  |  earlier

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feel like i could faint,i take high blood pressure medicine.




  1. what?

  2. because your body is depleted of water. drink a lot of water on hot days or anytime u r sweating.

  3. Urination or sweating is just the removal of excess liquids in our system. If you are sweating hard, most likely nothing is left to urinate.

    I work out in the hot sun and drink liquids all day as I sweat. And I never go to the bathroom till later that night after I have cooled off and had even more liquids.

    Just be careful as you can dehydrate yourself pretty fast.

  4. You partly answered your won question-

    If you're sweating a lot, you won't need to urinate as much, as you're loosing a lot of water through your sweat.

    It's not a good idea though- you urination removes the waste products from your body that have been filtered by your kidneys. If you just sweat, the urine will become more concentrated & can cause problems.

    Drink some water.

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