
When attempting to banish a ghost or unwanted spirit which approach works best??

by Guest60047  |  earlier

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The Catholic prayers or the Wiccan Banishing spells?

PLEASE let me know and if anyone has had field experience with both.I have seen both used apparently with success on Paranormal State. Thanks in advance for your time and answers. ~M~




  1. Stop watching TV and Hollywood Videos !

    IT is all in your Mind.... Anyway!

    Thanks, RR

  2. I think the main things to wonder is… why do you want this spirit to be gone? Does it frighten you? Do you get a bad feeling about the spirit? Has it caused you any harm?

    There are spirits all around us and MOST of them… mean no harm whatsoever! There are some around that do not know they are dead… and there are residual hauntings as well, which are like movies played over and over.

    I think if you want the spirit to leave, a main thing would be simply to ASK it to leave and explain why you wish for it to leave.

    If you HAVE to banish it… then the main things to do are:

    A CLEANSING… this is one thing I see missing even in Catholic Exorcisms

    You cleanse the house by first really CLEANING it.. then you can use insense or sage smudge sticks to go around every walll in the house, paying special attention to doorways, windows and mirrors… and you do a banishing spell such as…

    NOTHING evil can pass this way, only good can come and stay

    ALL evil must go away, I banish you from this house this day.

    Simple… but it is the honest emotions, the real desire that help!

    Hope this helps some!

    Also when cleansing, remember salt… it vacuums up easy off all the floors or sweeps away and is really a great cleaning helper!

  3. Catholics in my opinion are nuts!!

    my mom is wiccan... has been for yrs. i would say Wiccan! whenever we moved to a new place she would do her lil ritual, burn sage and draw a pentical in each door way with the smoke!!  while saying send spirits to the other plane (idk)?. i never really saw her banish any sprits per say. but i would like to think it worked!

    blessed be!!


  5. it really depends.

    but in any case you should seek professional help. try watching A Haunting on discovery, what usually happens to people that try to get rid of it themselves?

    and if it is a demon that you are dealing with, and not just some poltergiest i would reccoment the wiccan/pagan path. mainly because the Catholic church has to go through the Vatican and the Pope to get permission to do anything but a general blessing (which usually just really ticks off a demon.) and this can take weeks of not months. where as a Pagan (that actually knows their stuff) will get just as good of a result, and can act on their own the second that you need them.

    i must stress here that you need to get a pagan that is experienced in these things. too many young folks read one book and think thay are a high priest...i actually saw the result of an un-trained wiccan (a 14 year old girl) whom tried to do a banishing spell...she mixed saltpeter and sulfur in her sage bowl!!!! and then dropped a hot coal on top if it...

    thoes would be the 2 main ingriedents in GUN POWDER..with charcoal being the third,,,and it is only to stabalize it..

    it almost burnt the house down..

  6. Catholic or other Christian rites of exorcism aim to banish the evil spirit and leave no room for evil to re-enter the possessed.

    Wiccan banishing spells presuppose a return to a natural balance and therefore you don't know what may fill the void left be the bad spirit.  When the bad spirit is forced out, there is an increase in the density of "bad" in the entropy.  Both osmosis and the second law of thermodymanics dictate that the likelihood becomes slightly greater that "bad" spirits will re-enter.

  7. check out

    it has lots of interesting info...

    good luck

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