
When being charged for drinking in public will it do anything to your car insurance?

by Guest10752  |  earlier

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Today I was charged for drinking in public and tell me it pretty much ruin my day. I was outside of a park where I was hold a beer a cop happened to be there and charged me. I didn't even know that I could be charged for drinking in a park. Have you experience anything similar to this? Oh and is this a big deal like will it show up under my name next time a cop pulls me over or anything like that?




  1. there is no a easy solution for your question.however,it is not solvable is the good resource i have been referring.

  2. If you were not given a written Citation, No. If you were cited and have to appear in court depending on how  your case is adjudicated, if not given any thing more than a wrist slap, Community service, then you will not be subject to a pull over Record. Now lets get back to Public consuption of Booze, that is a no no just about everywhere, so the Cop was just following the law.

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