
When being polite, what should you do with your arms when seated with arm support and no table in front?

by  |  earlier

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Place hands on arm supports?

Hands on lap?

Hands on knees?

Hands between knees?

Arms crossed?

Hands folded above stomach?

Or another?




  1. You can never go wrong by placing your hands in you lap.  Since there are arm supports it is also proper to use them.  Take your choice.  

    Do not cross your arms as this body language indicates that you are closing yourself off to other people.

    Good luck.

  2. Place them in your lap or you may use the arm support...Either is polite................

  3. Personally I don't think that someone would be paying that much attention to your hands, and if they did I don't think they would care whether they were on the arm rest or crossed over your chest. Just don't fidget with your arms and keep them in a comfortable postion. Being polite won't pay off if you aren't comfortable to begin with.

  4. id think....hands joined on your lap

  5. Well I think for a woman they should put their hands on their lap and for a man anything besides crossing his arms would be ok.

  6. Whatever you feel comfortable with. I usually cross my arms.

  7. lap

  8. hold you elbows up as if the chair had arms. that shows more respect.

  9. hands join in your lap.. not on arm support

  10. I would say fold your hands on your lap, or put one elbow on the arm rest. You just don't want to look too relaxed, because that may come across as being egotistical. But you should still be casual, and I think those are the two best ways.

    Haha, when I read the beginning of your question, I immediately thought of Talladega Nights and Ricky Bobby. You know, "I'm not sure what to do with my hands..." and he keeps randomly raising them towards his face? Well, I guess anything would be better than that!

    Have a nice day!


  11. I do either of the first two. Sometimes I cross my arms.

  12. Generally arms on supports, some other positions can denote discomfort. For example, when reading body language, hands on the knees or between the knees is generally interpreted as a sign of being uncomfortable and nervous. Crossed arms may show that too.

  13. Gentlemen, If the occasion permits, cross legs towards the chief member of the party and rest both hands on the top knee.

    If the occasion is not appropriate for leg-crossing, (poor fellow) then an erect posture with both hands laced on the thigh (favoring the principle party member) knees should be no more than a few inches apart so as not to appear too casual.

    Ladies, right foot crossed over left (at the ankle) erect posture with both hands crossed in the lap favoring your "partner" in the group OR the one with which you are speaking.

  14. either hands on supports, or on lap

  15. rest your hands on ur lap

  16. place elbows on the arm supports and then fold your forearms over your stomach.

  17. arms crossed, or on lap, or read a magazine

  18. arm supports or lap

  19. definitely lap

  20. on supports like som1 rich would site like tony Montana in scarface

  21. Hands on lap.

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