
When bottled water is made illegal in New York City, won't residents become sitting ducks if a...?

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terrorist organization of Black-ops government poisoned the water supply?

Doesn't America realize that NYC is the nervous system of commerce? That commerce is the sole provider of life-giving food? Whose idea was it to make water in bottles the new Bad Guy?






  1. Bloomberg's a ninny. Instead of banning bottled water, he needs to bring back recycling. NYC tap water is great. As for the water supply - I doubt that it will be compromised. If you are worried, buy some large containers to store your emergency water. We do it in California in case of earthquakes. People should do that *everywhere*. To quote Emily Litella, "Its always something!"

  2. Banning bottled water is a very silly idea... People's lives should not be regulated to that foolish of an extent. However, not abusing the use of bottled water would be nice. Even consistently recycling those plastic bottles would be a welcome change. Manufacturing one of those plastic bottles uses energy that can be from more water than the bottle is filled with. Not to mention limiting the amount of water stolen from healthy springs could benefit a population which previously had no access to safe water.

  3. I think it would be easy to contaminate any water or food source.  If there's a will, there's a way with the terrorists.  I think  this bottled water thing is a bit of an exteme. I understand the idea that water is something that we could get out of our tap and we are paying $, wasting energy/fuel for something we already have.  However, we could say the same of softdrinks and other beverages.  We will not die if we don't drink coke and pepsi.  I think the bigger issues are finding a good alternative fuel source and ppl consuming less overall.

  4. I think banning bottled water is sheer ignorance. We live in a fast paced world and thus can't always sit and drink out of a glass. s***w that.

  5. Bottled water is not the bad guy, its the bottles!! Bottles take petroleum and energy to produce, and they are non bio-degradeable. Some US cities like Salt Lake have given incentives like free stainless steel reusable watter bottles to anyone who signs a contract to not buy bottled water any more. The bottles can only be recycled a few times before the plastic is no longer usable. They are filling up the landfills and increasing demand for oil.  If the whole country gave up on bottled water, the demand for oil would decrease and so would the cost of oil.

    Besides if the water supply in NYC was poisened, bottled water wouldn't do c**p to save the city. Theres not enough bottled water for that.

    8 million people x 10 gallons of water per day x 12 bottles of water per gallon = 9,600,00,000 bottles per day at $2.00 per bottle = $1,920,000,000 x 365 day in a year =

    $700,800,000,000 ----> thats $700.8 billion a year....I've got a great idea...................

  6. Switch to canned water???

  7. It was my idea.... sorry.  I'll stop now.

    But don't worry.  The springs where the water is bottled are already poisoned.  It's a neurotoxin that makes you buy more bottled water.

  8. the idea would be good on the thinking stadium.

    that will say if the water from the tap would be without any poisons,parasites,antidepressants and much more.

    but when the water is **** like it is in new york then its stupid to bann the water in bottles.

    its like with cell phones they force ALL people to get the radiation.

    they force all people to drink the fluoride **** water from tap

  9. New York City is a sewer,  The myth of its importance to the commerce of the free world is only belived by those who inhabit the place.

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