
When breeding bettas.....?

by  |  earlier

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i want to mix colors. can i do that? I might breed the deltas or the half moons. could i breed like a red marble or something with a blue female? I love the colors of these amazing fish! Thanks! post any site here if you want about breeding bettas or places that selll bettas.




  1. You can breed whatever you want but by mixing colors you might not get desriable results and instead of neat color variations you might get dulled and unintresting colors.  But than again, you might get something neat.  The best way to ensure you get colors you like is by breeding bettas with those colors already

  2. haha dont breed a beta!?!?!

    they will eat there babys.

    and most of the time

    the boy and girl fight

    They dont always get along.

    and they WILL NOT

    get along if they are 2

    DIFFERNT kinds of betta

    sooo...if you want to try it for fun or wut ever

    i would get 2 of the SAME type of bettas...

    no mixing. lol!

  3. MIXING IS FINE! I have mixed a blue and red! The spawning was not viable because the male is inexperienced. And that other person has probably never bred Betta's, yes it is a challenge, but very rewarding! Go for deltas over half moons cuz half moons are harder to breed. There is no actually gene for the half moon coloring, so it is hard to produce good looking half moon fish.

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