
When buying coffee to make myself, should I always purchase whole bean coffee?

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what if it is pre-ground?




  1. Unless u hv a grinder, if not u can't make coffe with whole coffee beans, get the seller to grind it for you.

  2. i grind my own coffee... it's easy and cheap.

    if you have a grinder, i would recommend buying whole  beans.

    if you don't have a grinder, you can find cheap coffee grinders at any department store.

    using whole beans add great benefits to the taste of your coffee.

    if you get pre-ground, make sure the coffee is 100% arabica beans that are AIR-TIGHT... folgers is good, but the oils are lost very quickly.

    (which is the benefit to grinding your own beans, you get a much more natural, deeper tasting coffee)

    if you don't have a coffee pot yet, i would highly recommend a french-press.

    Again, presses can be found at most department stores. They present the coffee in it's most natural state, foregoing the conventional paper filter which sucks most of the oils out of the beans.

  3. For the best tasting coffee, grind it yourself.

  4. You can purchase the coffee as a whole bean and most places will grind it for you to how you want

  5. when i buy coffee for my son and husband to drink i buy decafe coffee no matter what brand it is, its in a powder form

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