
When buying flight tickets on the day of travel, is it cheaper to use a website or book at the airport?

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When booking a flight for travel on the same day, is it cheaper to use the airline's website, a site like Yahoo Travel or Expedia, or the counter at the airport?




  1. It will definitely be cheaper to book online. Try

  2. Same here, I've definitely found it cheaper to buy directly from the airline website and I feel safer that way too. I usually head to Jetstar for great deals.

  3. You can buy on-line still.  The most important thing is getting a confirmation number.  If you do not feel comfortable because you are traveling that day, show up early at the ticket counter.

  4. I have almost always found the best fares on the airline websites, and not via the travel sites or travel agencies.

    However, buying a ticket for the same day is unlikely to be "cheaper", no matter how you purchase the ticket.

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