
When camping, what is you preference ... RV, tent, lean to, or some other means of shelter?

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I have found myself most comfortable crashing out on the picnic table after everyone else has pooped out and quieted down. Seems I don't like being enclosed in any kind of shelter. But in the even of bad weather, I'll stick with my little teardrop trailer. She's waterproof. What's you game plan when camping?




  1. When we "camp" we are in a Motor Home (Satellite TV, Queen bedroom, comfy bath, comfy couch, chairs, etc.....) that is camping for us.

  2. RV

  3. I loved our tent trailer and with the flaps unzipped it felt like we were outside.

    We slept in comfort and could get out of the rain.

    We always cooked outside.

    I have always been an outside person and dread winter but I do look forward to the last of October for NBA basketball.

    I some times yearn to go camping but being home bound, at least I do have my memories.

    Very good question that brought back fun memories of my peaceful place along a creek with fairly good fly fishing.


  4. A 4star hotel with a pool will do me just fine.

  5. A tent a campfire a night under the stars yep thats the real thing.Catch old mr fish and clean and toss him in the pan yahoo thats life  

  6. I've been camping in a  tent, pop-up, and a trailer over a period of many years.  The pop-up was the most fun, maybe because I was younger then.  The most important thing is the campfire, that's where I do all my cooking.

  7. The older I get I'd prefer RV first for a bed and tent second. Pretty much anything else is roughing it on purpose so I would have a bigger plan.

    If it was strictly survival, I could make do well with less.

  8. When i was young it was always a tent or just a cot with a  folded blanket on it.  As i got older it had to be a cabin with a shower, stove, re frig or an RV.

  9. As I said in my other answer. Top of the line Winnebago please.

    When I go camping I want to take home with me. I'm not much on digging holes in the ground for a loo, cooking over an open fire and feeding the mozzies and any other denizens of the bush with my blood.

  10. My RV........comfy, warm (or cool), and dry.

  11. I'm a wimp, I prefer my 5th wheeler. I want to be warm and dry, have my own potty for those rare night trips..did the tent and pop up when we were younger.

  12. A five star hotel with crisp sheets, great restaurants and shopping! I am an outdoor person, but camping is not my thing. When I went to camp as a kid, I didnt have a sleeping bag, and used a bed roll we learned to make, I woke up after a fitful night with all sorts of flora and fauna in my bedroll. I was mortified. I was supposed to stay for two weeks. When our parents came to visit after the first week on the weekend, my bags were packed and I left with my parents. So much for that!  

  13. I would pitch a tent anytime over any other means of shelter. I love the great out doors. I like cooking on the camp stove. Having a big camp fire going. Ice chest with ice for cold drinks.

    I remember one summer not long ago when my X boyfriend and I were out camping. We were in our tent bedding down for the night, just got to sleep and a storm came up that was really bad. He had to get the truck and put it up to the tent on one side and tied it to the tent. Then put the boat on the other side of the tent and tied it to the tent. And then we had to hold the inside of the tent up to keep it from getting blown away. We didn't loose a thing that night but a lot of the other campers did loose stuff that night. There was even sail boats up on the shore the next morning when we got up. But all in all, we had a great time that weekend at the lake.

    I still have all my camping equipment even though him and I are no long together. Who knows, some day I might find someone else that likes to go camping.

  14. I have been from a tent to a pop-up to a camper to a 5th wheel camper. I am sorry but I like comfort..The pop-up was nice, at least it was off the ground.  Poppy

  15. Tent!!

  16. Tent - a Vango Tornado 200. I wouldn't survive in the UK if I didn't have a tent.

  17. A 40' football motor home, generator, refrigerator, hot water tank. good mattress, tv, video and music player.

  18. Yes I camped with my parents and my children and grandchildren, I am strictly a motel girl and now there  all grown and on there own, . It was fun back then but all I seem to do was cook and clean  but I really enjoyed it. But those days are over we camped in tents and campers and watch all the kids have so much fun.It was great times.

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