
When can I check to see if my dog IS Pregnant?

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Ok so there is a chance that my Cho Lab might be pregant, just wondering how long you have to wait before you can get an XRay, or whatever to check and see if she REALLY is pregnant, and then at what time do you need to start feeding them more, if she is pregnant, last time we thought she might of been pregnant because a few weeks after she was in heat she started showing many signs so we fed her more, she got kinda big, but then no puppies, so we were left with a overweight not pegant dog lol.




  1. Get her fixed.

    You should really talk to a vet.

    Keep up with when she is with male dogs and you think that she would be breeding. If you are not ready for puppies then you should not have a dog that can get pregnant.

  2. not sure you want to get xrays on anything pregnant...

  3. go to http://www.petbitsforyou/pregnancy.html   It has some great info

  4. An xray won't show you anything until just before she is due to deliver.  Puppy bones don't calcify until about the 55 day so there is nothing to see in the xray.  

    You can do an ultrasound at about 3 - 4 weeks which will show you if there are any embryos but since many embryos are reabsorbed before the due date, you might not really get much information.  An experienced vet can usually palpate and feel puppies but this can only be done at about the 28th - 30th day after conception.  Do you know the day that she got bred?

    You will not need to change any of her feeding habits until about the 6th week of her pregnancy and you should have a pretty good idea that she is pregnant by that time.  You will need to take her into the vet for a prenatal exam about a week before she is due.  The vet can take an xray at that time which will tell you how many puppies to expect.

  5. Take her to the vet.  He will be able to tell  you whether or not she is pregnant.  he can also give you further information on how to care for her and the pups.

  6. You can spay her thus terminating any possible pregnancy and prevent anymore unwanted or poorly planned breedings or you can whelp out a litter and spay her afterwards. Either solution is a good one. Breeding isn't something to be taken lightly.

    If you intend to keep and whelp out the litter, then you can take her to the vet around day 21 to have him palpate for puppies or have her taken in for an ultrasound about 25-28 days after the first breeding. Heartbeats and fetal sacs should be evident about that time. From then, you will have to wait until after 50 days for an xray. At that time, the tech or vet can count spines to give you a rough estimate of how many pups to expect.

  7. The best thing would be call and talk to your vet. Each vet is different. MY chocolate lab is pregnant at the moment..  

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