
When can I cut down iris stalks and the green leaves? Also when can I transplant echinea flowers?

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When can I cut down iris stalks and the green leaves? Also when can I transplant echinea flowers?




  1. as far as iris go you don't cut them down you wrap and tie the stalks and leaves together

  2. i have been told that 'transplant' is safe any time, however mine have only been transplanted after bloom time. they continue to be a very showy part of my east, partially shaded garden, even though i have moved them more than once.

  3. You can cut back iris stalks as soon as the flowers finish.  The leaves need to be left until late fall.

    You can transplant your cone flowers now.

  4. You can cut the iris stalks at any time.  The leaves you should let grow as long as they are mostly green.  They will nourish the root as long as they are growing.  When they are mostly brown, cut them down into a fan.  Did you mean echinacea?  They are best transplanted early in the Spring.  I moved some in the middle of the summer and they survived.

  5. cone flower---echinecia can be transplanted now. i transplant my any time of year except from nov-march.

    iris should be cut back  to about an inch or so above where they fan this no early than 3 weeks after they bloom...i normally do mine in august/ early september

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