
When can I drink or eat the stuff like again when I have UTI?

by  |  earlier

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After taking Macrobid few days ago, my UTI came back last night so I made an appointment for Monday to see the doctor again to test again and send the test to a lab. For now he prescribed me some pain & burning relief called Pryidium.

I know I have to drink cranberry juice and water. Are there other things I cannot eat or drink? For example, spicy food and sodas?

How long until I can eat and drink those food again?




  1. I do not think what you eat will have ant effect but you do need to drink water and the cran juices. Keep your soda intake to a minimum as they cause dehydration.

  2. Drink lots of cranberry juice but stay away from the sugar.

    I've even had an ER doc tell me once when I went in for a UTI to stop on my way home and get  a 6 pack of beer he said it would flush out my kidneys and my bladder better than cran.  Feel Better soon.

  3. I wouldnt drink soda. Sine you have discovered the pain of a UTI, soda is the first thing that will give you one.I hope you feel better soon

  4. Nothing is strictly forbidden, but you may find that things like alcohol and caffeine further irritate it. Pyridium is marvelous stuff for pain relief when you have a UTI, but just to warn you, you might want to wear a thin pad or pantyliner while you're on it. It turns your pee a really bright yellowish orange that can stain your underwear. Don't be alarmed.

    UTIs are so annoying and painful! I hope you feel better soon.

  5. Leave the drugs alone...

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