
When can I let me baby fry out of the breeding Net?

by Guest32210  |  earlier

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He's 2 weeks old today and is a molly, When can I let it out? His breeding net is gettting dirty what do I do?




  1. Put him in another empty tank filled with bottled/distilled water (you can use the water from the larger tank he's in and a plastic container or something) and clean the breeding net. When you're done, you could put him back in the breeding net or keep him in the plastic container.

    You can let him out and into the fishy world of your aquarium when he's bigger than the size of other fishies' mouths. (two or three times bigger; he's probably not big enough yet. :) )

  2. Make sure he's big enough not to be eaten by the other fish, because if he's not big enough, he'll have to deal with it. But as far as cleaning the net, put him in a glass cup of that aquarium water and rinse the net and then put back in

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