
When can I switch my baby from alimentum to something different?

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I have a 6 month old who has been drinking alimentum since she was 6 weeks old. I want to switch her to something a little less expensive, but I'm afraid she won't tolerate anything else. Anyone have any suggestions?

I don't qualify for WIC, so that's out of the question :(




  1. Everything that Ruby's Mom said is true. My son had the same situation. He has been on Alimentum after trying several different formulas but with a milk intolerance and acid reflux, Alimentum was the only thing that worked. He did just ok on Carnation GoodStart Nestle Soy but still threw up, but on Parent's Choice Soy- he did amazing. Kept it down great! Only reason he stayed on Alimentum is because the pediatrician wanted it until 6 months but once he hits that marker we're going back to the Soy. Plus- Parents Choice is cheap so it works out great

  2. That question is best left to a doctor. There was a medical reason to use Alimentum in the first place, so I would be sure the doc feels baby is ready to transition to something different. Also, transitioning can be hard, so if doc already knows you are doing this ahead of time, doc can be sure to schedule a follow-up to check progress. When you are sure and ready, I would consider a soy-based formula, as they are usually easier on baby's delicate tummies ;-)

  3. Six months is, in fact, the age at which the change is usually first tried. (before i say anything else, i am sure i am stating the obvious here, but don't do anything without talking to your pediatrician.) ruby was on alimentum, and when that didn't work, she had to be put on neocate. she drank neoate until 6 months, when our pediatrician switched her back first to alimentum, when two weeks had passed with no reaction, then we switched her to soy. she did great and was on soy until one year. every formula change results in a bit of digestive reaction -- runny stool, for example, is very normal after a switch. by two weeks, though, if the baby is ready for the change she will have adjusted. 6 months is the age by which many sensitivities have worked themselves out, so there is a good chance your daughter may be ready for "normal" formula. ask your doc about trying enfamil prosobee. good luck!

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