
When can I touch my new baby hamsters??

by  |  earlier

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They are 11 days old, they have a little bit of hair(I can what colors there going to be) their wandering around the cage some, and they just startined eating real food, but theier eyes still arn't open!!! I think momma trust me enough, but I don't want to chance it! I need to clean their cage too!!!




  1. sit by the cage and talk gently to them till the babies come over to say hello. When they do, touch it. Then pick it up (VERY gently). Do this with each one 1 time per day for 4 days, then lift them out of the cage (momma included) and put them somewhere while you clean the cage.


    Make sure you rub your hand in thier bedding first so you have thier scent.

  2. What you can do is rub your hand in there bedding so you have there scent so the olny scent they have from you is theres thats what i did and the mamma hamster didn't eat em'!

  3. wait untill they have fur on them and are moving around the cage that should be in a few days

  4. You can try to touch them when they are 2 weeks or older provided mamma hamster is unbothered by it. If she looks bothered, refrain from doing so until the pups are three weeks old.

    Between 3 weeks - 4 weeks, the pups can be weaned from the mother and can be caged separately. Also s*x the pups and separate the males and females into different cages since they are sexually mature from 5th week onwards.

  5. they have to be 2 or 3 weeks old. DO NOT TOUCH THEM! if u touch them, they will get the human scent on it and the mommy hamster might think its not their baby, and possibly attack it

  6. Resist the urge to touch the babies for at least two weeks. Don’t touch the nest, either. Only touch the mother or the cage, and only if absolutely necessary. Really, the best thing you can do is leave the mother hamster and babies alone for the first two weeks. If you want to get a better look at the tiny, pink babies, wait for momma hamster to leave the nest for some reason. You can then carefully and quietly get a look at the baby hamsters! Keep an eye on the mother -- if she seems nervous or anxious, stop what you’re doing and back away. A mother hamster’s reactions will vary; some are very relaxed about human observation and some (especially young mothers) can be very nervous. Be observant and respect your hamster’s personality.


    Wait at least ten days, if not two weeks. You can wait even longer to clean the cage if the mother seems anxious. If you cant... Remove the entire nest with the babies while you clean; you may want to separate the mother so she will stay calm. When you are done cleaning, replace the nest and babies where you found them.

    I hope the information helped(:

    baby hamsters are sooo cute<3

  7. Wait til they're about 2-3 weeks old. If you touch them too soon their mom might eat them. You can take out some of the dirty shavings with one of those things you use for cleaning kitty litter pans.

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