
When can a baby guinea pig leave its mom?

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my friends guinea pig just had babys and shes giving me one I want to know how long does it stay with it mom before I can take it home.




  1. Baby guinea pigs are born with their eyes open and on their feet, because in nature they are intended as food for preditors, and running is their ownly self-defense..  Keep the baby with the mom until it is eating on its own, and is healthy.  This should not be but a few weeks.

  2. They have to nerse from their mothers for about 3 weeks but you should wait another just to be sure, but 21 days seems ok to me, it pretty much depends on if you're getting a girl or a boy...

    Good luck with the new addition...(AKA...Your new guinea pig!)  


  3. Guinea pigs should be 4 weeks before leaving the mother, its a better to get two though because guinea pigs are heard animals and get lonely without another guinea pig companion. Sometimes the male guinea pigs must be taken out when they are three weeks but usually that's not the case.

  4. I would say about 3 weeks.

  5. They need to be separated at 21 days as the males become fertile at that age, the females are fertile at 28 days.  So, if you leave the males in too long they can get the mom and the female babies pregnant.

  6. Wait about 3 ( or 21 days ) weeks after they are born. Please get 2 guinea pigs of the same gender! Or fix the male piggy. Guinea pigs are THIGMOTACTIC meaning they have to be with another piggy. They can easily get depressed and die. Just think, would you want to live the rest of your life alone in a cage?

    Make the cage big enough so they won't fight. To save money, buy a cube and coroplast cage. These cages are easy to put together and easy to clean. You can find cubes at Target for any color at the price of $15. Coroplast is just cardboard with a water proof coat of any color you want. You can find this at a local sign shop for about $20. You can make these cages 2 story and as long or wide as you want them!!

    Good luck with the new piggies!

  7. I had a gp that had baby's once, just wait a month or so , wait to long and  they will starting having baby's lol

  8. Guinea pigs should be separated from their mother's at 21 days old, so the males cannot backbreed with the mother, which is very dangerous. Why don't you take two? They're the same amount of work and guinea pigs should never be owned alone. If she has two males, take the two! If she has at least three females (one should be housed with the mom if she doesn't already have a female cagemate), you could take two of them. Two guinea pigs are SO much happier and social than a lonely guinea pig.

  9. im not sure..

    i have been thinking about breeding my guinea pigs for sometime.. but im not sure about this question.

    it isnt hard to find the answer tho.

    go to google and type in guinea pig breeding..

    it should give you some info on how long you have to wait for your little friend


  10. 21-30 days after birth

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