
When can a baby have cows milk??

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my baby is 7 months old now and i don't no when she can go on cows milk




  1. lol this sounds so funy i never gived my kids cows milk - or goats milk  

    althouh goats milks is popular in where I live. (Southewest of Texas)

  2. they say not until at least 12 months. and to introduce the milk slowly so you can monitor baby for any allergies

  3. I'd say around 1 year. The earlier you introduce new foods the most likely they are to have food allergies, so keep that in mind.  

  4. i dnt get it what up with these moms not giving there kids cows milk? i mean c'mon its called cereal..! well my baby is 8 months old and i give her horchata every now and then to start getting her used to it...but not in excessinve amounts, just a sip or two. shes been doing fine they say 12 months is the youngest but i think my baby is ready to at least get introduced

  5. I think it is after 12 months, but I am not sure.

    I guess call your docs office.

    Or you could give her a bit and see how she reacts.  My son is 5 months and every time I introduce a new food I give an 8th of a teaspoon and see how he reacts for a week.  I guess I would do the same with milk.

    But I don't plan on giving him cows milk, to each his own!

    Good luck!

  6. from 6mos she can have it as a mixer ie in potatoes, porridge etc, but not to drink.

    i gave my daughter cows milk to drink a few days before her first birthday, she doesnt particularly like it. but she only takes formula once a day so im not in hurry to take it away completely as she has withdrawn herself.

  7. They say you should not give your baby cows milk until they are 12 months old.  My daughter has been having it in little amounts since she started eating at 3 months.  I would make mashed vegetables for our family and just take a bit out for her and add a little more milk to make it a bit more runnier and she has had no problems.  You should only give it to her in small amounts to start off with and go from there.  Mix her food with it and see how she goes and then by 12 months you should be able to give it to her straight.  This is what I am doing with my 7 month old now.

  8. About 1 year old.

  9. 12 months is the absolute earliest you should introduce cows milk to babies, ( that's what my ped tells me anyways) and even then its best to hold off for as long as possible. you could try the step 3 formulas that are specially designed for 18 months to 3 years. i know it may sound expensive but its better for your child in the long run. when i introduced my son at 3 to cows milk i still did it in very small amounts until i knew he was ok with it.  

  10. Is recommended to feed your baby formula or breast milk until 12 months after that cows milk is a go...

  11. 12 months

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