
When can a baby start eating proper adult food ie food containing some salt?

by Guest32559  |  earlier

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I have an 11 month old son who is a fantastic eater. I have always spent hours in the kitchen making Annabel Karmels recipes and probably went a bit over the top with it!!! I'm back at work now and try and give him finger food food for lunch and a hot meal for dinner. My friend has a son of 10 months and feeds him exactly same as she's having . For example- dolmio pasta jar and any other jar she may use for her own food. This would be a lot easier if i did the same with my son but im not sure whether he should be having things like this yet as they contain salt. She says things like that are ok in moderation as are oven chips, sausages etc. Does anyone know if this is correct or what the actual age is that he can have these foods??




  1. When my son started showing interest in table food (salted food) I would cook without adding extra salt, In any food you buy now-a-days there is some content of salt unless you buy salt free even these food contain some salt as well.  However the age to start can vary, back when I was a teen my older sisters would feed there babies as early as 6 weeks that would only be things like gravy & biscuit, but only like a finger swipe by the age of 6 months they were eating most anything that they wanted, only in smashed peices and cooked without salt and other spices. I have done the same thing with my children, you do have to be salt concious for the blood pressure factor due to small children whom aren't walking, it is highly likely that there could be problems if that is all you feed you child. It is important to keep the babyfood in the main meals with very little table food, mainly giving the table food in very small amounts until they are abe to physically get up and play enough to work off all the fatty stuff our food contains, and the salts. Moderation is key but don't be afraid to experiment with diffrent flavors of food for your child this way they will eat most everything you'll prepare and they be less likely to become picky eaters.  

  2. As long as he has no problems chewing and swallowing, it should be fine. Just don't overdo it. Fix lots of fresh or steamed veggies and don't add salt to them. That will help balance out any added sodium in packaged goods. My oldest was eating just table food around 10 months, and he had no problem.

  3. yes he should be fine i have always fed my daughter whatever i was having since she was weaned if you add salt to your cooking just take her portion out then add what you like, it's loads easier and cheaper.

  4. I started feeding my kids table food the day they came home from the hospital. Things like mashed potatoes, inside of peas, and just things like that. They say now not to feed your baby any adult food until the child is 1 year old. I think that they are crazy!!!!!! I did it with both my kids and they are adults now and they are both very healthy. My son and daughter in law complained to me that my grand son ( now 6 yrs ) was waking up in the middle of the night throwing fits, and that during the day he was sluggish, and grumpy, I told them to feed him REAL food, they didn't want to because of what the doctor told them, but they broke down and did it and the change was so dramatic They could hardly believe the change. So let go of the baby food and just let him eat what he wants as long as it is Healthy. He will be happy you did and so will you and your budget!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ha

  5. he is old enough to eat from the table, just be careful and don't give him a lot of differant things at once. That way if he has any food alleries it will be easier to know what foods you should stay away from.

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