
When can a "new ball" be taken in a Test match-------........?

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Also what is the new 'ball change rule' in ODIs after 35 overs

Do they use new ball or just replace with ball of same overs

What was the rule regarding this in ODIs before





  1. In Test , It is after 80 overs. It is not mandatory to change ball after 80 ov. It is upto the bowling side Captain. In ODI the mandatory ball change happens after 34 ov, i.e. in 35th ov. a brand new ball is taken.Before this rule it is upto umpires to chane ball if the colour of ball is changed making it less visible(Mostly in D/N matches)

  2. after 80 overs

  3. after 80 ovres new ball u can take but this is upto u can use the old ball for 90 or 100 ovres also.

  4. In test matches a new ball is taken in a test match every 80 overs of an innings on the wish of the captain of the bowling side.A new ball is also taken before the start of the new innings.

    In ODI's after 34 overs the ball is changed whether the captain wants it or not.

    The ball they get is not a shiny new ball but an old ball that is wiped clean.This old ball must not be above 15 overs old.

    In ODI's before their was no rule stating it and any time the ball got lost or the captains and umpires agreed that it was looking bad, it could be changed.

  5. after 80 overs in an innings

  6. 80 Overs

    35 Overs they bring out a better ball - ODI

  7. in any state of the match new ball will b always  taken from ball basket...

  8. In test matches, a new ball is due after for the bowling captain, it is up to him whether he will take it or not, he can take it straight away after 80 overs, or take it even after 120 overs(Though the old ball won't last that long probably)

    In ODI, the ball must be changed after 34 overs(Unlike test, it's not up to the bowling capt.). But the ball can be changed if needed before 34 overs also...

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