
When can babys sit up?

by  |  earlier

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and when do they start to delovop an acent aslo when can they walk




  1. I work in dayecare.. some kids sit up around 5 months. Others can b 8 or 9 months. One little boy i looked after couldnt sit up on his 1st birthday

  2. about 5/6 months

  3. Sitting up on their own, usually around 6 months, though of course there's a range.

    Walking can start anywhere from 8 months to 18 months and it's all normal.

  4. below is a link to a page on with a complete timeline for growing babies, it should answer most of your general questions.

  5. My daughter was 6 months old when she sat up.

    She did not walk unaided till she was 16 months old

    It varies as every child is different

  6. each baby is different and will reach each milestone at a different age.  most baby's can sit up at around 5-6 months some sooner some later same goes with walking some start at around 10 months and others don't start until after turning a year, they are all different.

  7. my little boy sat up after about 5 months and he didnt walk till he was 15months he was lazy
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