
When can i WATER GRASS?

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When can i WATER GRASS?




  1. if you just put seed on the lawn then water 2 times a day for about 5 minutes so the soil stay damp, but if the grass is all ready grown the water once or twice a week for 5 minutes.

  2. Depends on the grass as to how often, but as to the time of day, generally early morning before the sun gets too hot is good, or in the evening.  However, sometimes if you water in the evening, you can get a certain fungus on your grass, but I water my grass at night because I work all day and I haven't had any fungal problems.  Generally, deeply water every 3 days so the roots will grow deeper.  But like I said, depending on the grass that differs.  Good luck!

  3. best to do it in early morring or late afternoon if you do it midday the grass well burn from the sun  .

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