
When can i breed my black molli again?

by  |  earlier

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yesterday 5 min. before 10 pm last night my new bought fish had babies. i would like to breed her again but i need some questions

1) How long does it take until i can breed her again?

2) How many babies can i expect in her next batch

3) How long is she pregnant for?

and other info would help

(please only answer if you have breed tropical fish before. i really need help)

also. i need to know how (exactly) to take care of the black molli fry. they are less then a day old (well 17 hours and 45 minuts ago)




  1. She`ll have sperm in her even if you don`t put her with a male

    More than the first batch

    30 days

    Just feed the fry flakes that you grind into a powder 5 or 6 times a day.

  2. answer to questions

    1)They are breeding machines................On and on......

    2)Depends on feeding and size of your female. Higher protein feedings will result in bigger batches(bloodworms,brine shrimp)

    3)One main factor is temperature lower temps will result in longer droppings4 to 6 weeks-higher temps 78-82 f maybe every 2 to 3 weeks.


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