
When can i change the bar myself?

by  |  earlier

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Had my tongue bar changed to the smaller bar yesterday after waiting a week since i had it done. when do you think i could change the bar myself?




  1. i would suggest going back to the place you had it changed and ask them.  

  2. you could have already changed it yourself, they only tell you to go back so they can change it so you don't have to. and so they can do it fast if you feel confident enough to do it yourself go for it. i have my tonge my labret my eyebrow and my belly button pierced and i changed them all a week after getting them done. my advice would be to wait to change it till its a little more healed so you dont risk letting it close maybe wait another week. but if you are just changeing the balls on it then you can do it when ever you don't have to actualy take it out to change those

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