
When can i decide where i live?

by Guest61499  |  earlier

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i am turning 16 in december... and i currently live with my grandma in florida, who has custody over me... but i have had that when i am 16, i can choose if i want to live there, or with my grandpa in ohio... is that true?




  1. In Ohio you can decide when your 13.  So Im sure it is true, you will have to talk to the courts and both grandparents and everything.

  2. You would have to ask permission from both grandparents, and either a judge or your Child Protective Services caseworker. If you runaway they can put you and the adult you went to be with in jail, and return you to whomever has custody.

  3. You have to be 18 to legally move out on your own. At 16 you have the right to be legally emancipated from your family...meaning you are your own have to go to court to do that though.

  4. It depends on the laws in the state in which the court order was issued.  I know in PA, once my stepson turned 12 years old he was able to decide if he wanted to live with his mom or dad.  I would call the courts and ask them. Good luck.

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