
When can i dig up my potatoes???

by  |  earlier

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well the plant has alot of open flowers on it now.. but i'm not sure when i can dig them up... any help would be great.. =)




  1. Keep filling up the tires to cover the base of the stems. Potatoes grow on buried stems so the more buried stems the better. Once the stems start to wither and die, your potatoes will be ready, and you can dig up the whole plant.

    You can try digging them up earlier if you like new potatoes, but to get the biggest yield wait till the stems die down.

  2. I don't think they take longer than 60 days.  Just pull one and see how it looks.  

  3. ck. the size of them ...dig a few out..

  4. im digging mine now flowers gone.just dig one and see what lies beneath.

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