
When can i feed my baby duck when it hatches?

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how long should i wait after the duck hatche to feed it???? i know that i have to give it the duck strter kit, but what else could i feed em thanks




  1. You dont need to feed them till a day after they hatch. For that time they are still living off of the yolk.

    But, you can still offer them starter feed from the start.

    You need to give them UNmedicated flock starter feed.

    You can also feed them chopped up fruits and veggies, like grapes, lettuce, tomatoes, etc.....


  2. get them some duck weed, that is what they eat in the wild.

  3. Starter feed is all you really need right away. For the first day or two the babies still have the yolk to absorb and probably won't eat much anyway.

    As for other foods you can feed them besides duckling starter, you can give them finely chopped veggies like romaine lettuce, tomatoes, dandelion leaves, celery leaves, things like that.

  4. Go to their catalog has a tutorial on baby ducks-

  5. In addition to the starter feed, I have found a few treats mine really like:

    Dog or cat food (If they are big pieces, you must crumble them up for the first few weeks)

    Any kind of veggies, but they really enjoy greens.

    Cherios. I know grain is bad, but when its just a treat and not in huge amounts, it doesn't do any damage, as long as you are feed the duckling starter.

    Oats. You know, the ones in the cereal isle at the store? They love the uncooked oat flakes. If you get them, get old fashioned whole oats. Any kind is fine and does no damage, but the whole oats give them a little extra nutrients.

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