
When can i get a provisional licence to drive a motor bike?

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im 16 and wondering when i can get a provisional licence for a motor bike, 50 cc? its 17 to get a 125 cc bike.




  1. You apply at the post office, then you need to take a CBT test, which costs around £120

  2. you can get one now. Pick up an application form from the post office and as soon as you get it back book yourself in for your CBT.

    After that your on the road. One bit of advice though.....

    DO NOT and I mean it, ride in the gutter. You make sure that you put yourself in the middle of your lane. That way then any cars that try to over take you have to go over to the other side of the road and wont be pushing you into the gutter.

    Also, always wear the kit, skin and tarmac do not make a good mix and road rash is such not a good look!!

    Have fun,

    Tizme xx

  3. Gizmo170... is correct. she deserves best answer.

  4. You need to go to your local post office and ask for a provisional licence form, fill it all out and send two passport sized photographs which are signed by someone who has known you for, i think, 3 years (like your Dr) and your passport and birth certificate, and then send it away to the DVLA in Swansea. A little hint - when you send it away, send it recorded delivery 1st class (It will cost extra) so it reaches them quicker and they can process it quicker. Or you can apply online (but I aint heard anyone who has done it online so not sure how it works). When it comes through your card part will be attached to a paper part which you also need to keep as that is the most important part of your licence.

    Then you can book in to your local motorcycle training school and book your CBT which costs around £100 or more. Some schools will include everything you need in the price but some will charge extra. Most schools run them 7 days a week. All you need to bring is both parts of your licence and make sure you have plenty to eat and drink as it is all day.

    The CBT will allow you to ride a 50cc (Maximum) whilst your 16 and you can automatically go up to a 125cc (maximum) and or take a theory and practical motorcycle test when you are 17. The CBT certificate is valid for 2 years. The rules for CBT are as follows

    1) Not allowed to ride on motorways but you can use duel carriageways

    2) Not allowed to carry pillion passengers (Someone on the back)

    3) Must carry L plates on the front and back of your bike

    If you want to find your nearest training school go to this sites:

    Please take note to Tizme's suggestion about riding in the gutter - Ive seen too many new riders getting knocked off and hurt for riding in the gutter!

    Good Luck

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