
When can i give water to a child?

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is a newborn




  1. Newborns need nothing but breastmilk or formula really for the first 12 months. You can try a little water around 6-7 months old. The baby needs nutrients.

  2. I recently read an article in Parent Magazine that stated that infants onder 6 monthes should not have any plain water, only breastmilk or formula their system is not yet mature enough to handle extra water and to much can be toxic. 6-12 monthes no more then 6oz extra water a day. Their systems are more mature but not quit enough.

  3. Newborns aren't supposed to have a lot of water,they need mostly formula or breastmilk,but my pediatrician said to give my newborn an ounce of water when she has the hiccups.

  4. might help to know how old the kid is

  5. When you start feeding the solids. They get thirsty with a meal just like you and i do. Water isn't really necessary with babies because they get all the fluids they need from formula/breast milk. I give my son water at meals just to quench the thirst so I don't have to pop out the boob.

  6. sips of water at any age are just fine.  the less the better simply because it's important for the baby to have room for all the nutrients in the formula or breastmilk.  my son loved to have water squirted on him when i bathed him though, and started to take some sips here and there.  no harm in that at all!  as he got older though, he liked water more (good, cuz i don't drink it) and i was told to give him a few ounces a day.  he'll drink a full cup of water daily now.

  7. I started giving my son water around 8 months old.  I only gave it to him in small amounts after his teeth came in.... this was only to  supplement with floride and also at bedtime instead of milk after brushing his teeth.  After 12 months you can give the baby only water and small amounts of juice.  (4oz of juice or less per day)  

  8. Babies should not be given water until they are a year old.  They get all the water they need in breast milk/formula and need those nutrients.  Filling thier bellies up with water may make them eat less, and they really need all the nutrients from milk.

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