
When can i leave school?

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Under new south whales laws how old do u have 2 be 2 leave school???Ar you alowed to leave before you do your hsc and are there conditions e.g having a permanant job??? Please help !!!




  1. enjoy the days now..... dont wait for leaving.....

    so many are missng it after leaving it.....

    by the way why you want to leavi it??

    any serious problem????  if so discuss with your caretakers

  2. compulsory schooling finishes in year 10. So basically after year 10. But after that you can get an apprecticeship, traineeship (if you want), go to TAFE or you can just start working.

    The best person to talk to would be a careers advisor at school so you can see the options you have. Despite the name they don't just advise about careers but also about what options there are to people when they finish.

  3. 16 when your Australian you can leave school at 16 but it would be a good idea to get a job straight away otherwise you'll be stuck in a rut.

  4. Legally, you must attend school in NSW from 5-16 years of age.

    This is the NSW Department of Education and Training School Attendance Policy:

    This is the NSW Education Act 1990, which still applies today:

    Hope this helps.

  5. you can leave school at 16 years of age but its not recomended unless you have a steady full time job lined up. just try to cope with it and enjoy what you can about it like your friends and hopefully it should pass the time a bit quicker. :)

  6. you can legally drop out of school when your 14 and 9 months.

    you dont have to have your hcs as most people drop out in year 10 anyway (usually 15 years old).

  7. go to school, finish it you will be very sory if you dont you have one life only one dont s***w your self up, iv seen it happen even to my uncel, hes so embarised, it seems hard at teh tiem trust me i have soem learing disorders so i know but once its over it will be rewording cuzz you will be abol anost to do any thing you whnat, one life one chance take it stay in school. i know this  seems harsh but it cuzz i care, i realy dont think its a good idea to quit school one day it will be over , good luck and ope you make teh right choic, and srry to seem to come off harsh :D

  8. when the bell go's

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