
When can i put the father hamster back with the mother hamster and the hamster babies?

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When can i put the father hamster back with the mother hamster and the hamster babies?




  1. ask a pet shop they will tell you or a vet

  2. Well if it is a syrain then you shouldn't unless you are trying to get the mom pregnant again and you can only keep the dad in there without the babies and only for an half hour or an hour.

    Dwarves: You should not have taken the dad out unless you are trying to keep mom from getting pregant again. IF you did this you can put daddy back at four weeks when they are fullly weaned. But at this point the mom and daughters can get pregnant from both the dad and sons, so you will need to take the sons and dad into another cage.

    I hope this helps.  Good luck!

  3. no, the male hamster will mate the female again and the babies will be afraid from him.

    Kindest Regards

    Nadia Vella

  4. If its a Syrian hamster then you should not put it in at all as it may stress the mother and cause her to eat the babies.

    If its a dwarf russian then i'm not too sure.

  5. You don't.

    If you are asking questions like this, you don't have enough knowledge to safely and responsibly breed hamsters. The ONLY reason for keeping males and females together would be for breeding. Please keep them separate.

  6. Most likely the father will attack the babies if put back with them.

    In addition, it's a bad idea to put the father back straight away, too much breeding for a female can be a risk to her health, you should only breed them again after 3 months of the first litter.

    I don't know if you already know this but I'm going to say it anyway, if you're thinking of becoming a breeder, then do not try and mate a male and female from the same family, it can cause mutation and inbreds are common for only living for 2 months at most.

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