
When can i use my fireplace?

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When can i use my fireplace?




  1. when its really cold out you should sit by the fire with friends and family.Or when neighbors come over for a get together

  2. whenever you feel like it, if its cold outside or if you feel like getting romantic with you better half to add some mood

  3. whenever you want to use it. obviously it is better in the colder months and throughout winter, but if it gets cold in the summer, there is nothing to stop you from using it.

  4. f

  5. your question is quite vague but here goes. you can use your fireplace at anytime, for many reasons. but you must be careful especially if you are using it for heating purposes. on windy days (& nights) if your chimney is not the right height you can end up doing more harm than good.quite often the wind will cause your house to fill with smoke which contains carbon monoxide, & carbon monoxide WILL kill you if you are not careful. if your lungs fill with smoke the smartest thing that you can do is GO OUTSIDE, lay down  and breathe in the fresh air! i have almost died of carbon monoxide poisoning close to a dozen times in my 48 years on this planet so i know what i am talking about! every time i went to the hospital the only thing they did for me was give me oxygen which is why i no longer go to the doctor for the cure. i simply go outside, lay down and breathe in as much fresh air as i can.

    however if you feel like you are about to pass out CALL 9-1-1! you should NEVER drive yourself to the hospital ALWAYS call 9-1-1 you're not just risking your own life, you could easily pass out and kill someone else.


  6. during winter

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