
When can i wear a tampon after having a baby?

by  |  earlier

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I had twins over 2 weeks ago with no complications and I feel like I am mostly healed right now. the reason I want to wear one is because I am chafing really bad and I feel like I need to put on some diaper rash cream. If i can not wear one for another 4 weeks then what can i do to relieve the pain?




  1. I'm sorry to tell you this but you gotta wait another 4 weeks.  I know exactly what you are talking about with the chafing.  I had it after I had both of my kids.  This is what I did....since I had to have stitches with both of my kids, the hospital gave me epifoam (topical anethseptic for pain relief) but once that ran out the dr told me to buy dermoplast spray and tucks pad (usually used for hemoroids) and apply them to my stitches...even after my stitches healed though I would stick a few tucks pads on top of my pad cause the cool moisture they provided helped relieve the pain of the chafing.  Not sure if it will help you but I know it helped me both times.  If nothing else helps I would call your dr and see what he/she suggests.

  2. I'd say after your 6 week check up. Try some of baby's lotion for the chafing. Best of luck.

  3. After your doc gives you the ok at at least 6 weeks. The reason is because the blood you are passing is more likely to cause infection because its not your normal "period" blood. Also your muscles can't handle them yet either as they have just been stretched out. As for the chafing there are creams for ladies that you can find in your feminine care section that may help. Or what you can do is avoid using soap on the area which causes drying and using a simple NON scented moisturizer. Congrats on the twins!!!!!!!

  4. No you cant use any tampons until you get your 6 weeks checkup. You can try using some powder or vaseline where the chaffing is occurring.    

  5. No!!~ You aren't advised to put anything up there until your 6 wk check up!

  6. Your doctor has to clear you for your 6 week checkup. If you're chafing on your thighs, go ahead and put on some diaper rash cream without a tampon. If you've got pain in the vaginal area, and it isn't residual soreness from the birth, then you might have an infection. You should check with your doctor.

  7. my doc said after my first period.. but most women have the use the jumbos or wahtever for a while since we all get stretched out a bit.  

  8. As others have said, not until six weeks and the doctor gives the okay.

    In the meantime, try Gold Bond Powder to help with the chafing.

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