
When can puppies stop nursing???

by  |  earlier

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I've heard when their teeth come out, when the mother no longer lets them, & when they turn 8 weeks... Which one is correct???




  1. puppies can be taken away from their mother at 8 weeks and a little b4 that u can gradually take them from nursing and have them drink water from a bowl

  2. I let the mother decide when to stop nursing them.

    They should not leave the litter until they are at least 8 weeks old.  Even if they are no longer nursing, the mother and littermates are teaching them valuable lessons.

  3. You can start weaning them at 4 to 5 weeks mix some warm water with the food so it will be soft. Good luck

  4. umm about  5 tto 6 weeks you can but hot  water with food so it will be soft and then 8 weeks they can eat real food

  5. Puppies are usually weaned around 6 weeks old. Some continue to do so for a little longer.

    The puppies should not be re-homed until a minimum of 8 weeks old, though. They learn valuable information from the litter mates & mother when it comes to proper behavior (what's too rough, what's acceptable, etc.)

  6. No, not when their teeth come out thats when they are much older! At about 6-7 weeks is best to start weening them. puppies SHOULDN'T unless emergency cases leave their mother until they are 8 weeks old. If suddenly when they are 8 weeks the  mum is taken away without being slightly weened,they can in some cases have digestive troubles so start at 6-7 weeks.

    Hope this has answered your question. x*x

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